SOMA (an abbreviation for “Shakespeare,O’Neil,Marlowe and Arthur Miller”) is the drama club of the School of Foreign Languages at Hubei University. It was established in 1991 to promote the creativity and innovation of students through the art of drama and help the budding artists attain a better mastery of foreign languages (English, Japanese, French and Portuguese), develop poise and self-confidence, and appreciate dramatic literature and its techniques.
Achievements of SOMA
SOMA has played an important role in various intra- and inter- university events. It won brilliant laurels such as the “Campus Culture Construction Outstanding Achievement Award” presented by the Department of Moral Education of the Ministry of Education, the “Hubei Outstanding Students’ Association Award” presented by the Youth League Committee of Hubei Province, and the “Red Flag Students’ Association Award” presented by Hubei University for 9 consecutive years.

Hubei University New Year’s Eve 2017 witnessed the dramatic skills of SOMA, who performed Shakespeare’s ‘The Merry Wives of Windsor’ and Tang Xianzu’s ‘The Peony Pavilion (Mudan Ting)’.

The students performed in the annual Foreign Language Cultural Festival.